Tuesday, June 06, 2006

the omen

Originally uploaded by jadedem.

i meant to post this screen shot back when i had 666 hits, but forgot to do.
so today seems as appropriate a day as any to finally get around to it.

what's not spooky, but awesome, is that we're going to see Kathy Griffin tonight with EvilA and MrsA. i am very excited, as is Thurston. we did our homework, too-- watching many a DVR'd Kathy Griffin: My Life on the D-List episode over the weekend.

i was a bit concerned about seeing the KG show, though, since i was saddened to hear of her divorce from her IT-consultant husband Matt.

so very sad!

however, while listening to Kathy being interviewed Howard Stern this morning, Thurston found out that she and Matt are back together. hooray!! apparently, they were separated for a few months and are now back together, although they're not going to remarry. which really brings a tear of joy to my eye. long live Kathy and Matt!!


At 6/06/2006 05:03:00 PM, Blogger jolie said...

yes yes! they're back together - she mentioned it in her new bravo special "kathy griffin is a strong black woman"

enjoy the show, I can't wait to hear all about it. I worship that woman!


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