Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Hitler Cat

this cat lives outside the hotel where we stayed in Florida. it also bears an uncanny resemblance to Hitler.

Hitler Cat may appear friendly. but his eyes (and Hitler moustache) tell a different story!

Hitler Cat recruits other disenfranchised cats to his cause.


At 12/06/2005 10:02:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG, my sister and I stayed there in August and those freaky cats were there. I was drunk and petting them and my sister told me to watch out or I might get the mange.

The next morning, after I was very hungover, they scared me. I had forgotten all about them.

Anyway, the hotel was undergoing renovations so it was super cheap to stay there and we had a crazy night drinking by the pool with the head of construction -- some sweet Southern Old Man. Super fun!

Funny that you know those cats too!

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